New Beta support site
Try out the new LSEG Support website today to find the latest help articles and get in touch with our support teams
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LSEG products and content
Get support for LSEG products and content issues: Eikon, World-Check, Datastream, DataScope, etc.
Administration and billing
Get support for all invoice related queries including payments & account changes.
Using our service portals
Get support for any issues with this portal or SEA portal (North America only) or e-billing portal.
["{\"userRole\":\"ProductSupport\"}","{\"userRole\":\"ProdSuppAdminBill\"}","{\"userRole\":\"Content Partner Basic\"}","{\"userRole\":\"NotTrusted-ProdUser\"}","{\"userRole\":\"NotTrusted-ProdBillingUser\"}","{\"userRole\":\"SolutionFulfiller\"}","{\"userRole\":\"ProdSuppMyABill\"}"]
Let us know your feedback
If you want to share your thoughts or your ideas with us...
Approval Queries
Raise a ticket relating to approval requests from clients requesting your services
["{\"userRole\":\"Content Approver\"}"]
Reporting Queries
Submit queries that you might have about specific reports and content
Fulfilment Queries
Raise a query relating to fulfilment requests you have received from LSEG
Data Provider Support
Use the link only if you are a Third Party Data Provider of LSEG and not a Client/Customer
General Enquiries
Raise a general query to the Partner Team
["{\"userRole\":\"Content Partner Basic\"}"]
Regulatory compliance
Get support for all Regulatory Compliance related queries
Download center
Get support for all software download related queries.
Call me
Request a call back from LSEG for your queries.
Email me
Request email support from LSEG for your queries.
Create Challenge
Raise an Evaluated Price Challenge using DataScope Select.
At LSEG, we understand the importance of selecting a service that meets your needs.
We need a few details in order to get you in touch with the right LSEG experts.
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