Simplifying the brand


MyAccount URL change

Update on 22nd March 2024: On 22nd June 2024, the MyAccount (formerly MyRefinitiv) URL will change to

Customer action may be required.

To ensure ongoing access to MyAccount (formerly MyRefinitiv), check with your IT department, as soon as possible, whether the URL will require whitelisting.

You can test this accessibility by entering the new URL into your web browser. If "Sign in to access this site" is displayed, then you can access this URL, and no action is required. Note that you will not be able to log into MyAccount through this new URL until 22nd June 2024, when the change is implemented.

Once this change has been made, will not be switched off immediately, so existing bookmarks will still work, redirecting to MyAccount URLs. However, following the change, we recommend that you update your MyRefinitiv bookmarks.

What branding changes are taking place in Q3 2024 relative to billing?

We are making visual changes to invoices to align to the new brand. All legal entities and payment details remain the same:

  • Invoices and billing documents will be rebranded. This means that logos will be updated to the LSEG logo and some minor references to Refinitiv will be removed.
  • New invoice email alerts that you receive will be from This may require the need to update firewall security.
  • In June 2024, the MyAccount (formerly MyRefinitiv) URL will change to Related links will be updated in invoices and invoice email alerts accordingly.
  • Legal entities will remain the same.
  • All billing accounts and payment details will remain the same. Please continue to follow the ‘How to Pay’ guidance contained within your invoice.
These invoice changes are planned to take place in July 2024 and will be reflected on invoices from mid-July onwards.





Overview of brand changes

Although Refinitiv is rebranding to LSEG, many customer-facing aspects will not change:

  • Accessing your products and services will remain the same.
  • Legal entities will remain the same.
  • Customer contracts remain the same.
  • All payment details will remain the same, but the invoices will be rebranded. We will be emailing your billing contacts to explain how product names will appear on invoices.
  • Account contacts and customer service numbers in LSEG will remain the same.
  • Emails you receive will be from the domain, but old email addresses will continue to work.
  • Customer service emails and support responses will be rebranded throughout first half of 2024.
  • If there are any more significant technical changes, for example APIs, customers will be given additional notice.



Frequently Asked Questions

When are the changes being made

You will start to see our branding change late in 2023, we will continue to rebrand products and services throughout 2024.

Finance, payments and invoicing

Our legal entities and payment details will remain the same, however the documents we send you will have the new branding on them. All your invoice and payment related contacts details will also remain the same. Refinitiv emails will continue to work however we will begin emailing you from LSEG email addresses.

Customer service

You will still be able to receive customer support in the same way you do today. MyRefinitiv will be renamed MyAccount, but all of the services and contacts will remain the same.
